Christian Promise of Protection for God's Children
The Lord loves what is right, and he will never leave his followers without help. He will always protect them. Psalm 37:28.
The Lord loves what is right, and he will never leave his followers without help. He will always protect them. Psalm 37:28.
To be protected by God we need to turn away from evil, I am not saying that God in his goodness can not take care of you even when you do wrong, but the promise is to the faithful followers, those who are following their teachings, and these scriptures tell us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Therefore, if I walk in the way of Jesus, I will be doing good, then I will be protected by God and He will keep me safe. Mery Bracho
Christian Promise of Protection, Bible verses, Psalm 37, Free christian cards images, christian quotes, Christian Reflections by Mery Bracho
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Christian Promise of Protection
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Mery Bracho